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[Announcement] FAQs on Call for Proposals

TEIN*CC would like to share Frequently Asked Questions on Call for Proposals. 


Please refer to the details below.



Q1. Who is eligible for financial support for the Call for Proposals?

A1. Applicants should be either:

a)   NRENs

b)  Universities and other higher education/research institutions that are the members of NRENs

c)   Private sector and public entity expressly supported by the relevant NREN.

By preference they should be from countries listed at /sub/?mc=3010 or from Europe or other regions where specialist capabilities are required.



Q2. Can I hold an event such as a training workshop or conference, outside of THE Asi@Connect project region? (e.g. in Sweden, U.S.A, Kyrgyzstan, Nigeria, etc.)

A2. Yes, you can.

However, costs incurred by those are not eligible to be funded and therefore TEIN*CC will not provide any funds for them. The financially eligible location of action for the proposed activities are limited to the following. (i.e. partner countries/economies of Asi@Connect project): Afghanistan, Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, Chinese Taipei, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Q3. Can I collaborate with other institutions/organizations?

A3. Yes, you can.

A proposal can be carried out by one group, institution/organization or collaboratively with others in the form of a consortium. We encourage applicants to collaborate with experts and professionals not only from same country but also from developed countries or other European organizations or institutions. However, strong evidence such as a letter of endorsement or intent from those collaborators are required to be included in your proposal.



Q4. Can I submit multiple proposals at once? (e. g. two (2) proposals that align with WP3, WP5 respectively)

A4. Yes, you can.

However, where a proposer submits multiple proposals, you are required to explain in detail about the relationships and dependencies with regards to costs and outcomes between the proposals. Also, you should be aware of Q9 described below.



Q5. My proposal requires a longer-term extending beyond the implementation deadline specified in the guideline. Can that be eligible as well?

A5. No, it can’t.

The outputs for a proposal should be achievable within the specified period. Multi-phased proposals are welcome but must be staged and submitted separately in successive calls for proposals. Outlines of such intended multi-staged proposals are welcome and may be counted in the evaluation.



Q6. Are indirect costs eligible to receive financial support?

A6. No,

Indirect or overhead costs (recoverable VAT, currency exchange losses, etc.) and contingency cannot be supported by the Asi@Connect project.



Q7. My proposal requires the purchase of equipment to achieve the goal of the proposed activities. Can you support it?

A7. Yes, we can.

However, when a proposal includes the purchase of equipment or procurement of service, etc., it is required for the proposer to discuss this with TEIN*CC during the contracting process.



Q8. Is there a maximum amount of budget per proposal?

A8. Yes.

Each proposal cannot exceed the maximum budget described in “Guidelines for applicants.” Also, each WP has a different budget cap. Therefore, you should read through the information in the document.



Q9. I was successful in a previous Call for Proposals and received financial support. Is there a limit on the amount of budget I can receive?

A9. Throughout the Asi@Connect project period, the maximum amount of financial support per legal status is limited to 250,000 Euro. In other words, sum of transferred fund to awarded legal entity during Asi@Connect project cannot exceed 250,000 Euro. Therefore, the applicant needs to make sure that his/her organization has room for any additional financial support.

If you would like to know how much financial support your organization has received to date, please contact TEIN*CC.(asiaconnect-call@teincc.org)



Q10. My institution and I are already leading other sub-granted projects under Asi@Connect Call for Proposals. Can I submit another proposal? s

A10. Yes, you can.

However, you should be aware of the maximum amount of financial support (250,000 Euro) per legal status described in Q9.



Q11. In case private sector (PPP-model) participates in the proposal, what should I be careful?

A11. The private sector should not aim to create a profit (In-kind contribution is recommended) and should work with partner NRENs or its member of organizations in the proposal. Furthermore, they should demonstrate a good knowledge/track record of working with the R&E community.



Q12. Should there be in-kind contributions from an applicant in the proposal?

A12. No.

In-kind contribution is encouraged, but it is not mandatory.



Q13. My proposal was already granted from other governments/international organizations programs. Can I still apply for Call for Proposals?

A13. Yes.

You can apply for it, and we encourage you to include the progress and achievement that the project has achieved so far.



Q14. Can I re-submit a previously rejected proposal, after making changes to improve its chances of success?

A14. Yes, you can.

However, the proposal is still required to go through the same evaluation process as the other proposals.



Q15. Who should I contact if I have further questions not answered above?

A15. Please email your questions to: asiaconnect-call@teincc.org