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[Results] The 6th Asi@Connect Meeting in Malaysia (21-25 July 2019)
The Asi@Connect partners gathered together in Universiti Putra Malaysia for the 6th Asi@Connect meeting during 21-25 July 2019. 

The the 6th Asi@Connect Governor’s Meeting was held on 22 July 2019 participating 21 governors, the Delegation of the European 
Union to Malaysia, the presentative of Malaysia Government and the presentative of Korean government. 

In the Governors’ Meeting, Mr. Nicolas Dross, the Head of Trade and Economic Relations of the Delegation of the European Union 
to Malaysia, attended and addressed the importance of connectivity between Europe and Asia said; 

“Asi@Connect focuses on a comprehensive approach to strengthening the connectivity on the network and people to people. 
Also, the project focuses on the UN SDGs, and dedicates for better internet access to a rural and remote area as well as 
research and education connectivity.”

           [R.S.Mani, Chair of Governors(left)  / Nicolas Dross, Representative of the EU (right)]

The Governors’ got updates about the Asi@Connect project progress in the matters of financial management, sub-project 
implementations, and TEIN network management. Also, there was a special report from the external elevator, 
Dr. Bernadita Cardinas who had been conducting the project review for Asi@Connect project. 

[Yong Hwan Chung, President of TEIN*CC(left)  / Douglas Harré, Vice-Chair of Steering Committee(right)]

[Byung Kyu Kim, Executive Officer of TEIN*CC(left)  / Bernadita Cardinas, EU external evaluator(right)]

The 6th Asi@Connect Project meeting was followed just after the governors meeting, and there were activity updates 
on Asi@Connec sub-projects, TEIN network management, and NREN partners. 

* Asi@Connect Project meeting presentations (click each title)

TEIN community meets twice a year for Asi@Connect Governors’ and Project Meeting in conjunction with APAN meeting. This Malaysia meeting was graciously hosted by Universiti Putra Malaya.  

Our thanks go to all Asi@Connect partners, APAN and APAN48 Local committee. 
We promise to meet you all in Kathmandu, Nepal on March 2020 for the 7th Asi@Connect meeting. 

Thank you for supporting to make successful Asi@Connect meeting in Malaysia.