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(Asi@Connect) Evaluation Results of the 5th Call for Proposals

TEIN*CC opened the 5th Call for Proposals for selecting Asi@Connect sub-granted projects in May 2021 and proceeded the evaluation to select 

qualified proposals.


During the concept note submission period, a total of 113 concept notes were submitted, and 40 proposals were invited to submit the full proposal*.

*Two evaluation steps applied, namely 1st stage: concept note evaluation, 2nd (final) stage: full proposal evaluation. Those only who passed the concept note evaluation 

process were invited to submit their full proposal


As a result of the full proposal evaluation, 21 proposals were selected as follows: 3 proposals for WP2, 2 proposals for WP3, 

5 proposals for WP4, 9 proposals for WP5, 2 proposals for WP6.


The awarded proposals will conduct their activities under the Asi@Connect project’s objectives to benefit Asi@Connect communities, 

thereby bridging the digital divide.