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[Prior Information Notice] Service contract for Singapore-Hong Kong-Japan-US 100Gbps Circuit

SingAREN, in collaboration with NICT and NSCC (Asi@Connect’s partners in Japan and Singapore), seek international high capacity network links to form a high-speed network backbone between the regions. The requested links are as follows:


·         Singapore to Hong Kong,


·         Hong Kong to Japan,


·         Japan to the US and/or


·         Singapore to US


There are multiple contracts options for this tender: 3-year International Private Leased Circuit (IPLC), 5-year IPLC, 10-year Indefeasible Rights of Use (IRU) and 15-year IRU for each network link.


Required capacity will be subject to SingAREN and its partners’ requirements and affordability. Therefore, SingAREN may, before the contract is signed, cancel the procedure or withdraw certain lots without the candidates or tenderers being entitled to claim any compensation.


Further information can be found at the attached file. 


Please visit www.singaren.net.sg to find out more about SingAREN. 

Any queries could be sent to tender-international@singaren.net.sg.

Download Prior Information Notice.doc